National Day Songs WordCloud!

I wanted to find out which words appear most often in our National Day songs, so here’s a WordCloud!


Here’s what I did:

  1. I got the list of songs from here
  2. I googled the song titles for the lyrics, and then I checked the lyrics that I copied by listening to all the songs
  3. I put all the lyrics into one text file, I duplicated songs as necessary (e.g. Home was used as the national day song in two years, 1998 and 2004). I also expanded the lyrics by copying and pasting choruses as necessary, so that the lyrics are written out as sung
  4. I manually removed the contractions (I’ll was replaced with I will etc). I think is fairer because then ’ll and will won’t be considered two different words
  5. Used this script to generate the WordCloud
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